SOULAGE-TAVIE post-trauma

Support to prevent acute to chronic pain transition post major lower extremity trauma

Conceptors: Bérubé, M., Côté, J., Gélinas, C.

Collaborators: Rouleau, G., Auger, P., Martorella, G., Choinière, M., Feeley, N.

The tailored intervention was developed by Mélanie Bérubé, Ph.D. candidate of the Ingram School of Nursing at McGill University, with the support of the Research Chair team.

A pilot randomized control trial was conducted in 2016-2017.


  • Berube M, Gélinas C, Martorella G, Côté J, Feeley N, Laflamme GY, Rouleau D, Choinière M. (2017). A hybrid web-based and in-person self-management intervention to prevent acute to chronic pain transition post major lower extremity trauma (iPACT-E-Trauma): study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 6(6).
  • Berube M, Gélinas C, Feeley N, Martorella G, Côté J, Laflamme GY, Rouleau D, Choinière M. (2018).  A Hybrid Web-Based and In-Person Self-Management Intervention Aimed at Preventing Acute to Chronic Pain Transition After Major Lower Extremity Trauma: Feasibility and Acceptability of iPACT-E-Trauma. JMIR Formativ Res, 2(1), e10323.
  • Berube M, Gélinas C, Martorella G, Feeley N, Côté J, Laflamme GY, Rouleau D. Choinière M. (2018) Development and Acceptability Assessment of a Self-Management Intervention to Prevent Acute to Chronic Pain Transition after Major Lower Extremity Trauma. Pain Management Nursing, 19(6), 671-692.
  • Bérubé M, Gélinas C, Feeley N, Martorella G, Côté J, Laflamme GY, Rouleau D. Choinière M. (2019). Feasibility of a Hybrid Web-Based and In-Person Self-management Intervention Aimed at Preventing Acute to Chronic Pain Transition After Major Lower Extremity Trauma (iPACT-E-Trauma): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial, Pain Medicine, pnz008.


  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
  • Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQ-S)
  • Quebec Nursing Intervention Research Network (RRISIQ)
  • Quebec Pain Research Network (QPRN)
  • McGill University
  • Research Chair in Innovative Nursing Practices.v